
Not Your Typical Chicken Lasagna

Thursday, May 22, 2014

I am very excited about this recipe! Several years ago, Andrew and I went to North, an Italian restaurant in Tucson and ordered their Not Your Typical Chicken Lasagna. We instantly fell in love with it. The light, brothy consistency is different from the usually thick, saucy, baked, cheesy lasagna recipes.When we returned to North, they had redone their entire menu and removed it! Since then, we have dreamed of this lasagna and Googled it numerous times, hoping to find a semblance of it, with no such luck! A couple of weeks ago, while battling a desperate craving for this lasagna, Andrew remembered the name of the dish and Googled: Not Your Typical Chicken Lasagna, North (something we should have done before, right?!). To our surprise, we found a video of North's Executive, Chef Peter Lindquist, sharing the lasagna recipe! This little video is a gem! We used it as a guide, but we added a couple things that were omitted in the video, like how to cook the chicken. We are so excited about this recipe and hope you enjoy it too.

2 cups mushroom
1 cup leaks
2 cups spinach
parsley to taste
cherry tomatoes to taste
1 tsp garlic
4-5 chicken breasts
chicken broth to taste
white wine to taste
1 tbsp oil
2 tbsp butter
sliced Parmesan cheese to taste
1 box lasagna pasta sheets (recipe works best with smaller pasta sheets, rather than the traditional rectangular sheets)
salt to taste
pepper to taste

Getting Started! 


1. Boil chicken with salt and pepper. Once chicken is fully cooked, string and set aside. Option to cook chicken in small cubes and sear until slightly golden.

2. Boil pasta and set aside.

3. In a small skillet, cook leaks in 1 table spoon of butter and set aside.

4. Cook mushrooms and garlic in oil until golden. Add parsley and leaks to mix and sprinkle salt and pepper. Add 1-2 cup vegetable stock, 1 tablespoon of butter and wine. Lastly, add chicken and spinach and mix.

5. Heat vegetable broth in microwave.

6. For each serving plate, do the following:

  • In a bowl, place 1-2 sheets of pasta. 
  • Add a couple scoops of chicken/vegetable medley on top of pasta. 
  • Cover with a 1-2 sheets of pasta.
  • Pour hot vegetable broth over serving until it covers 1 inch of the meal. 
  • Sprinkle fresh Parmesan cheese and tomatoes to your liking and serve! 

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